Wednesday, November 27, 2019

psychological operations and censorship + kyrie irving and the ADL

A lot has been made of the so called "mood swings" of Kyrie Irving in the mainstream media for the past two seasons in the NBA. Irving has made comments about the psychological operation to make truth seekers look dumb, known as Flat Earth, as well as supposedly not getting along with teammates but most recently he stated that he does not celebrate Thanksgiving saying, "F*** Thanksgiving, I don't celebrate thanksgiving." Later on he apologized for his comments blaming frustration. But knowing the NBA is pure theater just like Hollywood I can tell something much more sinister is taking place. From speaking about Flat Earth to his frustration with teams everything reported about Irving is done by a script, each headline being a ritual that is apart of his planned career. By having Irving on bad terms with his teammates and media talking about him as a problem and mentally unstable as planned makes his comments about Thanksgiving seem unreasonable. But were they? Anyone with a mind to think for themselves knows that this country was founded on a genocide of 100 plus million natives and on the backs of enslaving brown people... The problem with the world is that the same people that decided to kill that many people and enslave brown people are the same people calling the shots a top the secrets societies that run all world governments. Incase, you are not aware every government is run by freemasonry and the etymology of government is control mind which fits well when knowing all American sports were founded by freemasons and have been operating by a script since the beginning using players like Irving to fool the mind controlled masses into believing in false flags, the worth of entertainment, and recently in fake truth topics like flat earth and thanksgiving with Irving. This simply targets the minds of the people. The stereotype of athletes often is they think they are "too cool for school" and the psy-op's like this one program young people to think that speaking truth about topics like thanksgiving and how this country began and operates is something people do when they are frustrated and mentally unstable like the picture the media is painting about Irving. This only reinforces the stereotype about athletes being too cool to think deeply which separates people yet again on an illusion. I can remember in high school that certain people didn't like athletes because of this very stereotype. The truth in this psy-op is that Irving is feeling isolated which is how most truth speakers feel in todays society. Yet again, we have another pys-op that makes people that seek truth seem mentally unstable which is exactly the agenda the freemasonic Zionist one world government has been playing out for years now. By portraying truth seekers this way is leading to changes in censorship on the internet. Majority of people have not broke the governments mind control and do not see the world for what it truly is by framing truth speakers as mentally unstable and being able to legitimize this false claim by censoring truth speakers only furthers the mind control agenda in place. Something very similar to the story with Irving is taking place in the fake truth community called the ADL which is known as the Anti-Defamation League. It's purpose is to defend against anti-Semitism and other forms for bigotry supposedly. This organization is actually controlled opposition just like Kyrie Irving. In case you do not know, there has been giant amounts of censorship on YouTube in the past few years including the deleting of actual truth speakers channels such as Free to Find Truth by Zachary K Hubbard,who's channel has been deleted 20 times, over 5,000 videos exposing topics just like the one we are covering now. Hubbard speaks on many truths but most importantly he speaks on the secret kabalistic language known as Gematria. Gematria is coding numbers into words so A is 1 and Z is 26 and by adding the letters of word there is a number underlying. Every mainstream media topic or headline is scripted using this language of gematria. I will use an example having to do with the ADL in a moment to show how this is done. On YouTube there has always been fake truth speakers in the community that have been placed there purposefully by the government to lead people astray and make truth seekers seems mentally unstable. This is done to create a false identity of the truth community and to further censorship. Right now there are plenty of government placed agents speaking absurdly on YouTube claiming to be speaking truth but actually being agents with the purpose of furthering censorship of truth and giving the truth a negative mentally unstable image. The annual convention for the ADL is called, "Never Is Now" which in gematria has the same numeric value as the word "censorship". The purpose of the ADL is to create more censorship and turn it into legislation. The agenda is clear when you decide you want to see it. "The Anti Defamation League" has gematria of 126 along with "Censorship" and their convention "Never Is Now". "The Anti Defamation League" also has gematria of 216 that is the product of 6*6*6 which shows that you need wisdom to understand what is taking place like stated in Revelation 13:18. Censorship 126 54 144 54 Never Is Now 144 54 126 54

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Everything about the NBA is scripted/ Dion Waiters

The story of Dion Waiters having a seizure on the team plane is theater. Here is how you can know for sure. The story claims he overdosed on "gummies"..... Gummies equals 33 in gematria like masonry, secrecy, believe, order, ect.. plus Dion waiters equals 137 in gematria the 33rd prime number. Also Seizure equals 103 the 27th prime number and he is 27 years old. Ritual also equals 27 in gematria. This happening on 11/8 like 118 and poisoning equals 118 in gematria... Also he sat out the game with a "stomachache" which equals 42 like Dion like Freemason,also the number stamped on black people in a not so nice way throughout history. The Heat have 73 games left in the regular season which was stated in the article purposefully and sacrifice equals 73... not a coincidence. Masonry runs the show. These players are on strings.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

How news is meant to mock the public and is obviously contrived by the police and freemasonry even without knowing gematria

This story surfaced on about the police taking 420 pounds of marijuana in a U-Haul truck at 12:30. The weed holiday is 4/20.... and 12:30 is like 12+30=42.... plus freemason = 42 in gematria. "Darien" rest stop... Darien = 33 like masonry, secrecy, police, federal The mockery is clear as day

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The scripted NBA

Kyrie Irving has 50 points in his debut with the Brooklyn Nets. Nets in gematria equals 50. This is how the all the games are rigged by numeric ritual and tributes. Learn gematria. Pro sports are bad for humanity. Brooklyn is the most Jewish neighborhood in the world...

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How Pro Athletes are born and bred to capture the public mind, to particpate in rigged sports, and used as pawns in the ongoing masonic symbolic ritual script that has terrorized the unknowing public since the beginning of this countries existence.

The world we live in seems to be truly insane. In each country we are taught what the government decides we should learn. The meaning of the word government is mind control. As govern means control and ment means mind in English. This seems too obvious to be overlooked by millions of people in the world unfortunately a lot of obvious things like this are overlooked on a daily basis. Being a human being is not what it once was or what it seems it was intended to be. The most disturbing part of all of this is that very few seem to notice this is the case and even less care to oppose it. Documenting these strange times is something I feel is important. Today I will explain how rituals are planned years in advance and how famous people and professional athletes are born and bred to be public figures that are used as pawns in these rituals. A obvious case was Floyd Mayweather and Hurricane Harvey. Mayweather's last fight against McGregor was a national news headline for months and on the night of the fight Houston was hit with a hurricane called Harvey. Another example of these sort of rituals coordinated with Manchurian candidates is in play now which is the lottery sweepstakes of Zion Williamson being on the same day that Israel declared independence, May 15th and the foreshadowed earthquake predicted on 7/4. I will cover both of these rituals fully in this blog starting with the Mayweather hurricane ritual. Floyd Mayweather and Hurricane Harvey The night of "Flood May Weather" fight a Hurricane called Harvey hit Houston. Recently,history there have been many government modified weather events which may come as a surprise to many but is truly what is taking place. The secret societies running the governments of the world are disaster capitalists and destroy and rebuild by using weather warfare amongst other tactics to play god over the people of the world. With that said, Houston is a massive city and was purposefully targeted by the government with this hurricane and as always they left their symbols and scripted this disaster by the numbers using gematria. In the front row of the Mayweather fight was Steve Harvey, undoubtably another famous person bred to be for a role in this and other rituals in the past and to come. These peoples lives are like pawns on a chest board, pre planned, no matter how real the Jews in the media make these people seem. The camera during this fight was on Harvey many times and not by coincidence. Part of these rituals are to mock our entire existence as people. The opponent of Mayweather was McGregor and in gematria that name equals 50, like how Mayweather won and became 50-0 all time. The word Undefeated also equals 50 in gematria which is another obvious piece of the ritual when you the language of gematria. After the fight the Houston baseball team, where Harvey hit played their next home game against the Mets and the pitcher was Matt Harvey. Clearly, a masonic ritual from all angles. The next ritual I want to cover is an ongoing theatrical play which is Zion Williamson. As I stated above, the pelicans won draft rights to Zion on the same day that Israel became a nation. Just the other day we heard he had a knee injury that would sideline for a number of weeks. That news came on the day leaving 74 days in the year and "Zion Williamson" equals 74. Then we heard about his injury in further extent saying he would be out 6-8 weeks and basketball equals 68. This news comes 107 days from his birthday and his first NBA game was interrupted by an earthquake which equals 107 and the team he was playing that game had 74 points. It seems also funny how all the sold out players in the talk about how Zion is too heavy like the ritual with the big earthquake couldn't be more obvious... There is more to this so feel free to check out Free To Find Truth blog on this story.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How Racially Charged Propaganda is waged upon the public mind through contrived rituals in the news by the secret political faction within freemasonry & the federal governement which turns people to hatred of others instead of acceptance

In the mainstream media we recently heard about a news story about a security guard being fired for telling a student not to call him the N-word. The security guard is a black man which is supposed create a sense of pride and entitlement in black people in this country, which is exactly why a story like this is being contrived. The secret political faction within the government called " the Cabal" which controls the mainstream news, tries to play with the emotions of all people by pitting people against each other by contriving divisive story like this one. This is very frustrating to someone that is aware of this tactic because this group is responsible for pretty much all of the social issues that have held down this country for so long, form slavery to the genocide of natives at the beginning of this country. The miseducation of the general public is a purposeful tactic to create a group of ignorant people that believe anything. The story reported about the security guard at a high school being fired for telling a student not to call him the N-Word is just another example of divisive propaganda meant to instill hatred of others. The way to know this story is contrived is to know the language of gematria which is geometry within language. Simple put adding the letters of a word to get a number is gematria. This knowledge of gematria along with numerology, kabbalah, and astrology have basically been forgotten by the world except for the secret societies that use them to rule over the uninformed general public. By knowing these type of things the world and the way people are start to make more sense. My goal is to educate people on this secretive knowledge so that people can be better people as well as understand the state of the world currently. At some point, the general public, the 99% has to take control of their own lives instead of allowing a tyrannical government to wage madness on their lives through deception and programming hatred of others. In this particular story about the "n-word" we got it on the day leaving 74 days left in the year and the phrase, "N-word" equals 74 in gematria. "N-word" = 74 (English Ordinal) 14 + 23 + 15 + 18 + 4 = 74 Also the high school this ritual was staged at is called, "Madison West High School" which equals 102 in gematria The Civil War began on the 102nd day of the year and not by coincidence as the words, "slavery" and "Nigger" equals 102 in gematria as well. Also, I should note that the video of the security guard on CNN is 2:23 seconds long. 223 is another number that is routinely showing up in mainstream stories. In Jewish gematria, "Masonic" equals 223, the secret society leaving their stamp. By the way, "masonic" in gematria is 74 as well. " By knowing how the secret society within our government operates you can see how humanity has been led astray purposefully through propaganda reported as actual news. Truth is, majority of the general public are totally clueless living in a reality manufactured for their mockery. The mockery is clear to someone that knows who is responsible for the wrong doing in this world. It is not the general public to blame for past and it is not the general public responsible for the divisive lies staged by the mainstream media, it is the people staging these events such as this one we are discussing today. Somehow this secret faction within government have convinced the masses to blame each other through contrived stories like these that play with the emotions of the average person.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How America is fooled into race war propaganda staged by the freemasonic police force with contrived stories that divide people through hatred

Word or PhraseEnglish OrdinalFull ReductionReverse OrdinalReverse Full Reduction
its time for this to stop29597245119
fraternal order of police236119358124
Notice the 119
"its time for this to stop" is a quote from this CNN headline article about the contrived story of the police killing Atatiana Jefferson. This quote summing to 119 is not a coincidence but further proof that the secret society pulling the strings in all governments all across the world think the general public have no idea what is really happening. Sadly, it seems they are right about the ignorance of the people especially in the USA where almost everyone is bought into the narratives that are being broadcasted and contrived for their demise. The question is not to dissect what happening in this story, that is what they want the public to do. Rather we should understand that this is a contrived news story meant to negatively affect the people of this country and that the secret societies doing these rituals leave their mark by using gematria and numbers that have esoteric meaning such as 119. Stories like these are mockery of just how fooled the masses really are...The reverse of 119 is 911 which is the number called to reach the police and that is no coincidence. Just like 9/11 was the biggest national emergency isn't a coincidence but a clear ritual to further the agenda of the secret society that has almost everyone fooled into taking sides of their narratives instead of seeing the truth which is hidden through practices like gematria, numerology, and kabbalah . The group within the secret societies, the Cabal, have crafted everything to benefit their agenda of mind control and absolute power over the masses and the publics lack of education in areas that matter have allowed them to do so.
119 is an important number to this study and is commonly referenced.
Other 119's
All Seeing Eye
Star of David
Master Plan 

The time and energy put into coordinating these rituals is definitely a master plan. A plan to further an agenda of divide and conquer and order out of chaos which are both Masonic mottos.
Below I will link a blog post from Free to Find Truth blog where I learned of this sinister agenda first, showing how this story is completely coded by the same repetitive numbers.

Now that I know gematria which is the language within the English language I see what is taking place and the misunderstandings I grew up with, most have answers now. We live in very strange times. I'm thankful for knowing gematria and how the secret societies around the world operate. Make sure you check out the full decode at Free to Find Truth,  the link is above.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Intro to Gematria blogging

      When I first learned about gematria I noticed there is something twisted taking place in this country. Something I quickly learned I wanted to avoid. What this "thing" seems to be is a spell or a curse. Without understanding gematria I personally do not think I would have been able to break free of this spell. This is why I am starting this blog and beginning a youtube channel. I have learned more actual knowledge that is applicable from the gematria teachers like Zach Hubbard and others then I have from anyone my entire life. I hope at some point I can serve the same purpose and this blog is the beginning of that for me.