Wednesday, November 27, 2019

psychological operations and censorship + kyrie irving and the ADL

A lot has been made of the so called "mood swings" of Kyrie Irving in the mainstream media for the past two seasons in the NBA. Irving has made comments about the psychological operation to make truth seekers look dumb, known as Flat Earth, as well as supposedly not getting along with teammates but most recently he stated that he does not celebrate Thanksgiving saying, "F*** Thanksgiving, I don't celebrate thanksgiving." Later on he apologized for his comments blaming frustration. But knowing the NBA is pure theater just like Hollywood I can tell something much more sinister is taking place. From speaking about Flat Earth to his frustration with teams everything reported about Irving is done by a script, each headline being a ritual that is apart of his planned career. By having Irving on bad terms with his teammates and media talking about him as a problem and mentally unstable as planned makes his comments about Thanksgiving seem unreasonable. But were they? Anyone with a mind to think for themselves knows that this country was founded on a genocide of 100 plus million natives and on the backs of enslaving brown people... The problem with the world is that the same people that decided to kill that many people and enslave brown people are the same people calling the shots a top the secrets societies that run all world governments. Incase, you are not aware every government is run by freemasonry and the etymology of government is control mind which fits well when knowing all American sports were founded by freemasons and have been operating by a script since the beginning using players like Irving to fool the mind controlled masses into believing in false flags, the worth of entertainment, and recently in fake truth topics like flat earth and thanksgiving with Irving. This simply targets the minds of the people. The stereotype of athletes often is they think they are "too cool for school" and the psy-op's like this one program young people to think that speaking truth about topics like thanksgiving and how this country began and operates is something people do when they are frustrated and mentally unstable like the picture the media is painting about Irving. This only reinforces the stereotype about athletes being too cool to think deeply which separates people yet again on an illusion. I can remember in high school that certain people didn't like athletes because of this very stereotype. The truth in this psy-op is that Irving is feeling isolated which is how most truth speakers feel in todays society. Yet again, we have another pys-op that makes people that seek truth seem mentally unstable which is exactly the agenda the freemasonic Zionist one world government has been playing out for years now. By portraying truth seekers this way is leading to changes in censorship on the internet. Majority of people have not broke the governments mind control and do not see the world for what it truly is by framing truth speakers as mentally unstable and being able to legitimize this false claim by censoring truth speakers only furthers the mind control agenda in place. Something very similar to the story with Irving is taking place in the fake truth community called the ADL which is known as the Anti-Defamation League. It's purpose is to defend against anti-Semitism and other forms for bigotry supposedly. This organization is actually controlled opposition just like Kyrie Irving. In case you do not know, there has been giant amounts of censorship on YouTube in the past few years including the deleting of actual truth speakers channels such as Free to Find Truth by Zachary K Hubbard,who's channel has been deleted 20 times, over 5,000 videos exposing topics just like the one we are covering now. Hubbard speaks on many truths but most importantly he speaks on the secret kabalistic language known as Gematria. Gematria is coding numbers into words so A is 1 and Z is 26 and by adding the letters of word there is a number underlying. Every mainstream media topic or headline is scripted using this language of gematria. I will use an example having to do with the ADL in a moment to show how this is done. On YouTube there has always been fake truth speakers in the community that have been placed there purposefully by the government to lead people astray and make truth seekers seems mentally unstable. This is done to create a false identity of the truth community and to further censorship. Right now there are plenty of government placed agents speaking absurdly on YouTube claiming to be speaking truth but actually being agents with the purpose of furthering censorship of truth and giving the truth a negative mentally unstable image. The annual convention for the ADL is called, "Never Is Now" which in gematria has the same numeric value as the word "censorship". The purpose of the ADL is to create more censorship and turn it into legislation. The agenda is clear when you decide you want to see it. "The Anti Defamation League" has gematria of 126 along with "Censorship" and their convention "Never Is Now". "The Anti Defamation League" also has gematria of 216 that is the product of 6*6*6 which shows that you need wisdom to understand what is taking place like stated in Revelation 13:18. Censorship 126 54 144 54 Never Is Now 144 54 126 54

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