Saturday, October 19, 2019

How Racially Charged Propaganda is waged upon the public mind through contrived rituals in the news by the secret political faction within freemasonry & the federal governement which turns people to hatred of others instead of acceptance

In the mainstream media we recently heard about a news story about a security guard being fired for telling a student not to call him the N-word. The security guard is a black man which is supposed create a sense of pride and entitlement in black people in this country, which is exactly why a story like this is being contrived. The secret political faction within the government called " the Cabal" which controls the mainstream news, tries to play with the emotions of all people by pitting people against each other by contriving divisive story like this one. This is very frustrating to someone that is aware of this tactic because this group is responsible for pretty much all of the social issues that have held down this country for so long, form slavery to the genocide of natives at the beginning of this country. The miseducation of the general public is a purposeful tactic to create a group of ignorant people that believe anything. The story reported about the security guard at a high school being fired for telling a student not to call him the N-Word is just another example of divisive propaganda meant to instill hatred of others. The way to know this story is contrived is to know the language of gematria which is geometry within language. Simple put adding the letters of a word to get a number is gematria. This knowledge of gematria along with numerology, kabbalah, and astrology have basically been forgotten by the world except for the secret societies that use them to rule over the uninformed general public. By knowing these type of things the world and the way people are start to make more sense. My goal is to educate people on this secretive knowledge so that people can be better people as well as understand the state of the world currently. At some point, the general public, the 99% has to take control of their own lives instead of allowing a tyrannical government to wage madness on their lives through deception and programming hatred of others. In this particular story about the "n-word" we got it on the day leaving 74 days left in the year and the phrase, "N-word" equals 74 in gematria. "N-word" = 74 (English Ordinal) 14 + 23 + 15 + 18 + 4 = 74 Also the high school this ritual was staged at is called, "Madison West High School" which equals 102 in gematria The Civil War began on the 102nd day of the year and not by coincidence as the words, "slavery" and "Nigger" equals 102 in gematria as well. Also, I should note that the video of the security guard on CNN is 2:23 seconds long. 223 is another number that is routinely showing up in mainstream stories. In Jewish gematria, "Masonic" equals 223, the secret society leaving their stamp. By the way, "masonic" in gematria is 74 as well. " By knowing how the secret society within our government operates you can see how humanity has been led astray purposefully through propaganda reported as actual news. Truth is, majority of the general public are totally clueless living in a reality manufactured for their mockery. The mockery is clear to someone that knows who is responsible for the wrong doing in this world. It is not the general public to blame for past and it is not the general public responsible for the divisive lies staged by the mainstream media, it is the people staging these events such as this one we are discussing today. Somehow this secret faction within government have convinced the masses to blame each other through contrived stories like these that play with the emotions of the average person.

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