Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How Pro Athletes are born and bred to capture the public mind, to particpate in rigged sports, and used as pawns in the ongoing masonic symbolic ritual script that has terrorized the unknowing public since the beginning of this countries existence.

The world we live in seems to be truly insane. In each country we are taught what the government decides we should learn. The meaning of the word government is mind control. As govern means control and ment means mind in English. This seems too obvious to be overlooked by millions of people in the world unfortunately a lot of obvious things like this are overlooked on a daily basis. Being a human being is not what it once was or what it seems it was intended to be. The most disturbing part of all of this is that very few seem to notice this is the case and even less care to oppose it. Documenting these strange times is something I feel is important. Today I will explain how rituals are planned years in advance and how famous people and professional athletes are born and bred to be public figures that are used as pawns in these rituals. A obvious case was Floyd Mayweather and Hurricane Harvey. Mayweather's last fight against McGregor was a national news headline for months and on the night of the fight Houston was hit with a hurricane called Harvey. Another example of these sort of rituals coordinated with Manchurian candidates is in play now which is the lottery sweepstakes of Zion Williamson being on the same day that Israel declared independence, May 15th and the foreshadowed earthquake predicted on 7/4. I will cover both of these rituals fully in this blog starting with the Mayweather hurricane ritual. Floyd Mayweather and Hurricane Harvey The night of "Flood May Weather" fight a Hurricane called Harvey hit Houston. Recently,history there have been many government modified weather events which may come as a surprise to many but is truly what is taking place. The secret societies running the governments of the world are disaster capitalists and destroy and rebuild by using weather warfare amongst other tactics to play god over the people of the world. With that said, Houston is a massive city and was purposefully targeted by the government with this hurricane and as always they left their symbols and scripted this disaster by the numbers using gematria. In the front row of the Mayweather fight was Steve Harvey, undoubtably another famous person bred to be for a role in this and other rituals in the past and to come. These peoples lives are like pawns on a chest board, pre planned, no matter how real the Jews in the media make these people seem. The camera during this fight was on Harvey many times and not by coincidence. Part of these rituals are to mock our entire existence as people. The opponent of Mayweather was McGregor and in gematria that name equals 50, like how Mayweather won and became 50-0 all time. The word Undefeated also equals 50 in gematria which is another obvious piece of the ritual when you the language of gematria. After the fight the Houston baseball team, where Harvey hit played their next home game against the Mets and the pitcher was Matt Harvey. Clearly, a masonic ritual from all angles. The next ritual I want to cover is an ongoing theatrical play which is Zion Williamson. As I stated above, the pelicans won draft rights to Zion on the same day that Israel became a nation. Just the other day we heard he had a knee injury that would sideline for a number of weeks. That news came on the day leaving 74 days in the year and "Zion Williamson" equals 74. Then we heard about his injury in further extent saying he would be out 6-8 weeks and basketball equals 68. This news comes 107 days from his birthday and his first NBA game was interrupted by an earthquake which equals 107 and the team he was playing that game had 74 points. It seems also funny how all the sold out players in the talk about how Zion is too heavy like the ritual with the big earthquake couldn't be more obvious... There is more to this so feel free to check out Free To Find Truth blog on this story. http://freetofindtruth.blogspot.com/2019/10/17-68-71-74-79-zion-williiamson-out-6-8.html

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