Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How America is fooled into race war propaganda staged by the freemasonic police force with contrived stories that divide people through hatred

Word or PhraseEnglish OrdinalFull ReductionReverse OrdinalReverse Full Reduction
its time for this to stop29597245119
fraternal order of police236119358124
Notice the 119
"its time for this to stop" is a quote from this CNN headline article about the contrived story of the police killing Atatiana Jefferson. This quote summing to 119 is not a coincidence but further proof that the secret society pulling the strings in all governments all across the world think the general public have no idea what is really happening. Sadly, it seems they are right about the ignorance of the people especially in the USA where almost everyone is bought into the narratives that are being broadcasted and contrived for their demise. The question is not to dissect what happening in this story, that is what they want the public to do. Rather we should understand that this is a contrived news story meant to negatively affect the people of this country and that the secret societies doing these rituals leave their mark by using gematria and numbers that have esoteric meaning such as 119. Stories like these are mockery of just how fooled the masses really are...The reverse of 119 is 911 which is the number called to reach the police and that is no coincidence. Just like 9/11 was the biggest national emergency isn't a coincidence but a clear ritual to further the agenda of the secret society that has almost everyone fooled into taking sides of their narratives instead of seeing the truth which is hidden through practices like gematria, numerology, and kabbalah . The group within the secret societies, the Cabal, have crafted everything to benefit their agenda of mind control and absolute power over the masses and the publics lack of education in areas that matter have allowed them to do so.
119 is an important number to this study and is commonly referenced.
Other 119's
All Seeing Eye
Star of David
Master Plan 

The time and energy put into coordinating these rituals is definitely a master plan. A plan to further an agenda of divide and conquer and order out of chaos which are both Masonic mottos.
Below I will link a blog post from Free to Find Truth blog where I learned of this sinister agenda first, showing how this story is completely coded by the same repetitive numbers.

Now that I know gematria which is the language within the English language I see what is taking place and the misunderstandings I grew up with, most have answers now. We live in very strange times. I'm thankful for knowing gematria and how the secret societies around the world operate. Make sure you check out the full decode at Free to Find Truth,  the link is above.

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